The Autio company near Astoria continues to operate.
An Oregon fur farm supply company fell off most fur farm lists years ago, however a recent article confirms it is still very much in operation.
According to the “Coast River Business Journal,” the Autio Company continues to operate with 14 employees and over $1 million in revenue at its manufacturing facility in Brownsmead, Oregon (between Astoria and Portland).
The article stops short of explicitly confirming the company still produces feed carts for fur farms. The article does emphasize the company’s fur farming origins, that it sits on the site of a former fur farm, and that its original product was a fur farm feed cart.
The company also supplies companies such as Pacific Seafoods, Foster Farms, Gerber baby foods, and Friskies cat food.
The company began solely as a mink farm supplier, and there is no evidence to suggest it does not continue in this capacity, providing feeding carts to fur farms.