Evidence suggests Oregon fox farm may be the largest

For some time, the Gardner Fur Farm in Sublimity, Oregon has been confirmed  as imprisoning fox. A review of all the known fox farms on satellite images reveals that in all likelihood, it is the largest fox farm in the country.

At various times, CAFF has reported two other fox farms as being contenders for the title of “largest fox farm.” They were:

  • Aeschleman Fur Company (Roanoke, IL)
  • Fox (and mink?) farm at:1498 N. 3975th Road (Earlville, IL)

The Aeschleman farm was considered the largest as of the early-1990s, however this information is significantly dated.

And after receiving further information, we believe there is a high likelihood the newly-discovered farm in Earlville IL holds both mink and fox, and that the sheds in question hold mink (the fox are held in outdoor pens).

A new look at satellite images of the Gardner Fur Farm in Sublimity, Oregon show that it has a high likelihood of being the largest in the country.

Hard numbers are very difficult to come by in an industry as small as fox farming, but the available information suggests strongly the Gardner Fur Farm is the largest fox farm in the US.