An issue of the fur farming newsletter “Fur Farm Letter” lists the winners of a recent fox pelt contest. Most of the names are familiar entries on existing fur farm lists, however three fox farmer names were new: Tim Allaman. Lloyd Bussiere Lyle Reap These names are not familiar to Coalition Against Fur Farms, and are not associated with any known fur farms. Very little is known about fox farming, and fox farms are generally small backyard operations with very little paper trail to trace. We believe the above names are the owners of previously unknown fox farms. If you have any information about the location of this fur farm, please submit to whistleblower [at]...
Large File of Fur Farming Research Reports
For those with a serious interest in fur farming science, download a PDF file of 23 reports from the Danish Fur Breeders Research Center.
Internal Document Reveals the Anatomy of the Fur Commission USA
An internal document titled “SYNOPSIS OF FCUSA’s PROGRAMS” reveals the makeup of the Fur Commission USA, the largest fur farming organization. Much of the information outlined in this document is not widely known. Among the details revealed in this 2-page document: *Their public relations work *Their (bizarre) charity work called “Furry Friends” *Pro-fur farming lobbying effort, “Fur Wraps the Hill” *Grants *Legislative Monitoring *An email list called “AgRights” *Farm certification (the foxes watching the henhouse) *”Ranch Services” (vet support for fur farms) *Their “neighborhood watch” program, monitoring the work of activists. *Newsletters they publish Download the PDF here. Or read the full text of the document below: “SYNOPSIS OF FCUSA’s PROGRAMS Education/Public Relations FCUSA communicates to a variety of audiences by a range of methods. Our primary method is the Internet, and our main vehicle is the website Page views annually range from 300,000 to half a million. Found here are an extensive Press Kit section featuring statistics and general info on the fur industry, key articles and opinion pieces, plus special features grouping key info on hot issues of concern to the media. Special features include eco-terrorism (Safe Farms) and the misuse of tax-exempt status to promote eco-terrorism (Regulating the Conflict Industry), essentially the public face of our Fair Business Practices Program (Red Flag Reports). Other special features cover the European Union, and the domesticated dog/cat fur issue. Fur farming videos are located in our Fur on Film section, while our Education section offers a host of materials for teachers. Our password-protected Members’ section includes items of interest to farmers but its eco-terrorism library is also of great value to law enforcement. FCUSA also maintains which focuses on the broader issues of sustainable use and helps with general coalition-building. Furry Friends A valuable promotional and coalition-building tool for FCUSA is our Furry Friends program of teddy bears made from donated pelts and fur garments. Please remember us if you have damaged pelts or old coats to donate! Fur wRaps The Hill Fur wRaps The Hill is a grassroots lobbying effort focused on two issues: trade and eco-terrorism, as addressed by our elected federal representatives. This is a joint project of...
Fur Farm Investigation Finds More US Fur Farms Than USDA Reports

The wildlife advocacy group Born Free USA has published an extensive document on fur farming in the US and Canada, particularly the (lack of) state regulations protecting animals. The 50-page report is titled “Cruelty Uncaged”, and can be downloaded here. (large file) One of the key findings in this report: There are many more fur farms in the US than reported by the USDA. A chart below outlines their findings. Also included in this extensive report: *”Dirty Dozen” – the 12 states with the least fur farming regulations, and least protection of animals. *The myth of “domesticated” animals on fur farms *Many photos taken inside fur farms. *This interesting paragraph: “There are 14 bobcat/lynx farms licensed by the Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks as “fur farms”; these animals are raised for various purposes including pets, attractions, urine, trophies, and pelts. One fur farm reported pelting 6 lynx and 130 bobcats in 2008.” This list of bobcat and lynx farms is not public, and CAFF is seeking their source material. “Cruelty Uncaged” is an important document for anyone interested in monitoring the fur farming industry in the US and Canada. As mentioned, based on their research Born Free USA believes there are vastly more fur farms in this country than the USDA statistics would reveal. For example, in Minnesota they believe there are more than double the number of fur farms that the USDA reports. CAFF is also looking to obtain this source material. This chart outlines their findings: Read the full “Cruelty Uncaged” report here. (large...
Fur Industry Document: How Fur Farming is Regulated
We are posting a Fur Commission USA document titled “How Is North America’s Fur Industry Regulated” (sic). It is important to note while reading this is the fur industry’s attempt to paint the best possible image of themselves, yet in they virtually admit (by way of omission) there is almost no regulation on US fur farms. Notice that in this document: 1) They admit there are no federal laws regulating fur farms, or the treatment of animals on them 2) They admit regulation falls solely on individual states, yet do not mention a single state regulation, nor do they even list states that have regulations (most do not). For a through overview of how little regulation exists on the state level, read this document by Born Free USA. (large file). Read the Fur Commission USA document at this link. ...
Possible New Mink Farm in Weston, Idaho
At the American Legend May 2011 auction, the auction house listed one of the top lots as being produced by “The Becksteads of Lehi, Utah, and Weston, Idaho.” The Beckstead farm in Utah has been known for years, however the farm in Idaho is not known to us. We are looking for information on this farm. A business entity search shows a “Sunny B Farms” registered under Kent W. Beckstead at 2665 W 4400 S, Weston, ID 83286. It does not appear through satellite images that there is a fur farm at this location. Help us locate this farm by submitting any info to whistleblower [at] coalitionagainstfurfarms [dot]...