Coalition Against Fur Farms has been reporting on several mink farms under construction, and this week a tipster provided information on yet another. The farm is in reported to be under construction at: 7199 Mingo-Lewisburg Rd. North Lewisburg OH, 43060 Owners: Johanna Hendric Janssen According to the tipster, the site is a horse farm purchased just 4 weeks ago on March 15, 2014. Reportedly excavation of abandoned railroad track has begun to keep the farm less accessible to the “public” along Cox Road. The upcoming mink farm is said to be “sizeable”. The barns will be located 424 ft from Spain Creek with is included in the protected Big Darby Creek Watershed. If you have information on under-construction fur farms, or any other fur farm-related information to share, contact us at whistleblower -at- coalitionagainstfurfarms -dot-...