2019 state of the fur industry.
The US mink industry is in a virtual meltdown.
The media this week reported a Medford, Wisconsin man was sentenced to 1 year for defrauding banks. Prior to his arrest, Michael Kraus reportedly purchased a mink farm in Medford. Fearing that he may default on his many fraudulently-obtained loans, Kraus reportedly purchased the farm in an effort to stay solvent. Sometime after 2007, the ranch “failed under a poor manager Kraus hired”, according to the media report. Kraus’s name is not found on any fur farm list, and it is not known what fur farm in Medford he owned. There are eight known mink farms in and around Medford, and at one time it was known as the “mink capital of the...
The only known mink farm in Colorado was “discovered” this week in a newspaper article headlined “Moffat County mink farm relocation proposal causing a stink.” The article covered the plight of a previously unknown mink farm operating without a permit, and attempting to relocate to a property 15 miles away. As usually happens, neighbors at the farm’s present location had complained, and neighbors and its proposed location were also complaining. The uproar led to controversy over whether the county commissioner should approve the farm’s permit to relocate. The same week the article ran, the farm was raided by activists and the farm announced it would be forced to close. The owner of the property where the farm was to relocate told the media he would continue to apply for a fur farm permit, presumably to either open his own mink farm, or host another fur farm that might relocate there. Whatever the case, the county commissioner denied to property owner a permit, and no farm can legally operate on the property now. The addresses Previous farm reported to be closing: 622 Valley View Drive Rural Moffat County, 8 miles west of Craig, Colorado Farmer applying for a permit: 35591 North Hwy 13 Craig CO Investigation needed. Confirmation of this farm’s closure is needed. If you can corroborate the information in this post, please submit to whistleblower [at] coalitionagainstfurfarms [dot]...
An Iowa media source has reported that the Drewelow & Sons fur farm in New Hampton, Iowa has closed. This report is to be taken with extreme skepticism because of its source: The owner of the farm himself. Fur farmers in the past have been known to report their farms as being closed, in hopes to remove themselves from the radar of animal rights activists. If you have any further information on this farm, please send to whistleblower [at] coalitionagainstfurfarms [dot] com. The farm in question is: Drewelow & Sons 2477 239th Street New Hampton, IA 50659 Contact: Lennie Drewelow Notes: Mink farm. 239th St. is off Odessa Avenue, north of 240th Street/County Road...
Coalition Against Fur Farms has received information that the following fur farm in Darby, Montana has ceased operations: Behling Fox Farm 3523 McIntosh Lane Darby, MT 59829