Final Nail has posted two updates on an established Idaho fur farm. According to Final Nail, the fur farm owned by Corey Hatch has relocated. This is the updated listing: Ch Farm & Fur 22485 W 10500 S Stone, ID 83252 Phone: (208) 705-7068 Contact: Corry & Hailey Hatch Notes: Mink and fox farm. Wild fur buyer; receiving depot for North American Fur Auctions. Farm confirmed to imprison foxes. Additionally, this farm reportedly has foxes as well as mink. The farm was previously believed to only imprison...
North Dakota fur farm moves to Montana

The Shultz wildcat farm relocates after oil drilling noise forces move. One of the only known bobcat fur farms in the state has applied to relocate west, in central Montana. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Park is taking comments on the 150-foot-by-140-foot animal facility, proposed by owner Larry Schultz, where bobcats would be housed in separate pens. According to the permit application, the location of the farm (if approved) will be: 5700 Romunstad Rd Roy, Montana 59471 The proposed fur farm is located SW of Roy, south of Highway 191. A few notes on the fur farm, from the permit application: The bobcat pens are 4 feet by 6 feet, with 2 foot by 4 foot nesting boxes, and kept 30 inches off the ground. The cages are constructed of poly-coated 10-guage mesh wire. The animal pens are 1/8 mile from the house. There will be a separate barn that is used for weaning bobcat kitten. A second barn will be used for food preparation and storage. An 8 foot tall chain link fence covers the facility’s north and south sides. This farm was reported by the state of North Dakota in 2010 to house lynx. No mention of lynx is made on the Montana permit application. Either the facts were misreported by North Dakota (bobcats are often confused for lynx), the farm has stopped breeding lynx, or this detail was omitted from the application. The full application is below. Schultz Fur Farm...
Tipster reports fur farm construction in Ohio

Coalition Against Fur Farms has been reporting on several mink farms under construction, and this week a tipster provided information on yet another. The farm is in reported to be under construction at: 7199 Mingo-Lewisburg Rd. North Lewisburg OH, 43060 Owners: Johanna Hendric Janssen According to the tipster, the site is a horse farm purchased just 4 weeks ago on March 15, 2014. Reportedly excavation of abandoned railroad track has begun to keep the farm less accessible to the “public” along Cox Road. The upcoming mink farm is said to be “sizeable”. The barns will be located 424 ft from Spain Creek with is included in the protected Big Darby Creek Watershed. If you have information on under-construction fur farms, or any other fur farm-related information to share, contact us at whistleblower -at- coalitionagainstfurfarms -dot-...
United Vaccines sourcing primate blood for mink experiments
Coalition Against Fur Farms has received information indicating that United Vaccines, the last remaining vaccine supplier for US fur farms, is purchasing primate blood from leading vivisection supplier Lampire Biological Laboratories. The precise purpose of the primate blood was not explained in the tip received by CAFF. However, this bit of information further establishes the interconnectedness of animal exploitation industries, and the endless links between vivisection, fur, “animal agriculture”, and more. Coalition Against Fur Farms considers the fur industry to be no worse (or better) than vivisection. With that said, it’s worth noting that even those involved in primate vivisection consider the fur industry to be so abhorrent that it is worth (anonymously) leaking information on. United Vaccines currently operates a research facility in Fitchburg, Wisconsin; and a “naive mink” facility in Blue Mounds, Wisconsin....