A source has reported a possible new mink farm has been constructed in Capron, Illinois. The location is described as being on Hunter Road, east of Capron Road in Capron, IL. This information is unconfirmed. Please report any confirmation to...
Several credible studies have been published over the years showing that ranch-raised mink both survive and thrive in the wild.
To add to this discussion, here are several quotes taken from the rare book The Mink (Dunstone), further supporting this.
On domestication claims:
“The fact that escapee animals so readily adapt to alien countryside, and to differing species of pray and climatic conditions, indicates that man’s…
The North Dakota fur farm owned by Larry Shultz has been approved to relocate to Roy, Montana. Background: After taking comments over the summer, the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has approved a license for a commercial bobcat fur farm. The application for the fur farm drew international attention, and over 20,000 comments. The state of Montana finally announced yesterday the farm application has been approved, citing “no substantive opposition to the laws or regulations in Montana that reflect opposition to the permit.” Media reports the farm will be one of only two “large scale” bobcat farms in the US. This information is, however, unconfirmed. When opened, the address for the Larry Shultz bobcat farm will be: 5700 Romunstad Rd Roy, Montana...
In a recent article covering the relocation of a bobcat farm from North Dakota to Montana, an interesting fact was reported: According to one reporter, only two “large scale” bobcat farmers remain in the United Status. One of them, according to the article, is the aforementioned farm owned by Larry Shultz, applying to relocate to Roy, Montana. The other is presumed to be the Fraser Fur Farm in Ronan, Montana. Several other farms are known to breed small numbers of bobcats for fur. And several more are known to breed bobcats for an unknown purpose – possibly for fur, possibly for pets. If this information is accurate, it places both of the remaining “large scale” bobcat farms in...